Are Online PT Sessions Right for You?

Are Online PT Sessions Right for You?

Attempted to accomodate my client’s preferences during Covid-19 quarantine, such as self isolation, I launched a new personal training service: Face Time PT/ video sessions.

Video sessions, to my own surprise, turned out to be as efficient if not better than the traditional way I have worked during the past 10 years - coaching clients face to face at the gym only.

I’m grateful that I took the opportunity to evolve as a coach and business owner and became able to reach clients not only locally or at the gym but also around the world while keeping the same service value and quality.

I have never believed in the ‘one size fits all’ approach.

I understand people are unique and they have different needs, goals, levels of fitness and motivation. 

My goal is to deliver enjoyable personalised sessions to each of my clients for their optimal results no matter where they are or what equipment they have available.

And just as me and you are different, you may now be wondering if Face Time PT sessions are right for you!

If you think the only advantage of training from home is being able to wear the same workout gear twice... think again!

Here are the key video sessions benefits both myself and my clients are able to enjoy mostly from the comfort of our homes:

1. Convenience 

2. Privacy

3. Ability to focus more easily

Lack of time, busy schedules and location can often be real obstacles when you’re trying to create a fitness routine.

Training online means you’re saving time. It means no more need to plan the time you’d commute from home/work/gym. It means you can possibly train from wherever you are (be it at home, work or at a park you can quickly stop by). 

So even when you are feeling overwhelmed with a never ending to-do list, you can still sneak a session in between meetings or house chores. 

Training virtually means you can also skip traffic, finding parking or being late. It’s therefore less stressful. 

Training from home and being totally comfortable in a familiar environment will automatically rise your performance. 

It means no comparison to others or feelings of intimidation or judgement of any sort. 

In most cases it also means the ability to fully focus due to minimal or no distractions.

And this is all possible because the idea behind personal training does not change just because you are at home. 

Accountability, motivation, education, variety, challenge... those are all remaining principles I follow when coaching clients at the gym, at a park, at home or elsewhere.

Another thing to consider is that your chances of missing online sessions are much much lower due to being so convenient. 

And consistency, as we all know, is the key to success!

With over 10 years of gym experience as a personal and celebrity trainer, it would be ironic to say Video PT sessions are the only or best way to achieve your fitness goals. However, it sure is a fabulous and equally as efficient and fun way to get there. 

I guess, like with everything, it all comes down to personal preferences, personalities, priorities and lifestyle choices.

Bottom line is: with or without the gym you can successfully train and achieve results.

With virtual sessions now available, there are virtually not many excuses left!